"""Functions related to modes."""
import logging
import multiprocessing
import warnings
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sc
from tqdm import tqdm
from .algorithm import (
from .physics import gamma, q_value
from .quantum_graph import (
from .utils import from_complex, get_scan_grid, to_complex
warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=np.ComplexWarning)
L = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs]class WorkerModes:
"""Worker to find modes."""
def __init__(self, estimated_modes, graph, D0s=None, search_radii=None, seed=42):
"""Init function of the worker."""
self.graph = graph
self.params = graph.graph["params"]
self.estimated_modes = estimated_modes
self.D0s = D0s
self.search_radii = search_radii
self.seed = seed
[docs] def set_search_radii(self, mode):
"""This fixes a local search region set by search radii."""
self.params["k_min"] = mode[0] - self.search_radii[0]
self.params["k_max"] = mode[0] + self.search_radii[0]
self.params["alpha_min"] = mode[1] - self.search_radii[1]
self.params["alpha_max"] = mode[1] + self.search_radii[1]
# the 0.1 is hardcoded, and seems to be a good value
self.params["search_stepsize"] = 0.1 * np.linalg.norm(self.search_radii)
def __call__(self, mode_id):
"""Call function of the worker."""
if self.D0s is not None:
self.params["D0"] = self.D0s[mode_id]
mode = self.estimated_modes[mode_id]
if self.search_radii is not None:
return refine_mode_brownian_ratchet(mode, self.graph, self.params, seed=self.seed)
[docs]class WorkerScan:
"""Worker to scan complex frequency."""
def __init__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
def __call__(self, freq):
return mode_quality(to_complex(freq), self.graph)
[docs]def scan_frequencies(graph):
"""Scan a range of complex frequencies and return mode qualities."""
ks, alphas = get_scan_grid(graph)
freqs = [[k, a] for k in ks for a in alphas]
worker_scan = WorkerScan(graph)
chunksize = max(1, int(0.1 * len(freqs) / graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]))
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
qualities_list = list(
pool.imap(worker_scan, freqs, chunksize=chunksize),
id_k = [k_i for k_i in range(len(ks)) for a_i in range(len(alphas))]
id_a = [a_i for k_i in range(len(ks)) for a_i in range(len(alphas))]
qualities = sc.sparse.coo_matrix(
(qualities_list, (id_k, id_a)),
shape=(graph.graph["params"]["k_n"], graph.graph["params"]["alpha_n"]),
return qualities
def _init_dataframe():
"""Initialize multicolumn dataframe."""
indexes = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[], []], codes=[[], []], names=["data", "D0"], dtype=np.float)
return pd.DataFrame(columns=indexes)
[docs]def find_modes(graph, qualities):
"""Find the modes from a scan."""
ks, alphas = get_scan_grid(graph)
estimated_modes = find_rough_modes_from_scan(
ks, alphas, qualities, min_distance=2, threshold_abs=1.0
L.info("Found %s mode candidates.", len(estimated_modes))
search_radii = [1 * (ks[1] - ks[0]), 1 * (alphas[1] - alphas[0])]
worker_modes = WorkerModes(estimated_modes, graph, search_radii=search_radii)
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
refined_modes = list(
pool.imap(worker_modes, range(len(estimated_modes))),
if len(refined_modes) == 0:
raise Exception("No modes found!")
refined_modes = [refined_mode for refined_mode in refined_modes if refined_mode is not None]
true_modes = clean_duplicate_modes(refined_modes, ks[1] - ks[0], alphas[1] - alphas[0])
L.info("Found %s after refinements.", len(true_modes))
# sort by decreasing Q*\Gamma value
_gammas = gamma(to_complex(true_modes.T), graph.graph["params"])
q_factors = -np.imag(_gammas) * true_modes[:, 0] / (2 * true_modes[:, 1])
modes_sorted = true_modes[np.argsort(q_factors)[::-1]]
q_factors = np.sort(q_factors)[::-1]
if "n_modes_max" in graph.graph["params"] and graph.graph["params"]["n_modes_max"]:
"...but we will use the top %s modes only",
modes_sorted = modes_sorted[: graph.graph["params"]["n_modes_max"]]
q_factors = q_factors[: graph.graph["params"]["n_modes_max"]]
modes_df = _init_dataframe()
modes_df["passive"] = [to_complex(mode_sorted) for mode_sorted in modes_sorted]
modes_df["q_factor"] = q_factors
return modes_df
def _convert_edges(vector):
"""Convert single edge values to double edges."""
edge_vector = np.zeros(2 * len(vector), dtype=np.complex128)
edge_vector[::2] = vector
edge_vector[1::2] = vector
return edge_vector
def _get_dielectric_constant_matrix(params):
"""Return sparse diagonal matrix of dielectric constants."""
return sc.sparse.diags(_convert_edges(params["dielectric_constant"]))
def _get_mask_matrices(params):
"""Return sparse diagonal matrices of pump and inner edge masks."""
in_mask = sc.sparse.diags(_convert_edges(np.array(params["inner"])))
pump_mask = sc.sparse.diags(_convert_edges(params["pump"])).dot(in_mask)
return in_mask, pump_mask
def _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, mask):
"""Compute the norm of the node solution on the graph."""
weight_matrix = Winv.dot(z_matrix).dot(Winv)
inner_matrix = BT.dot(weight_matrix).dot(mask).dot(Bout)
norm = node_solution.T.dot(inner_matrix.dot(node_solution))
return norm
[docs]def compute_z_matrix(graph):
"""Construct the matrix Z used for computing the pump overlapping factor."""
data_diag = (np.exp(2.0j * graph.graph["lengths"] * graph.graph["ks"]) - 1.0) / (
2.0j * graph.graph["ks"]
data_off_diag = graph.graph["lengths"] * np.exp(
1.0j * graph.graph["lengths"] * graph.graph["ks"]
data = np.dstack([data_diag, data_diag, data_off_diag, data_off_diag]).flatten()
m = len(graph.edges)
edge_ids = np.arange(m)
row = np.dstack([2 * edge_ids, 2 * edge_ids + 1, 2 * edge_ids, 2 * edge_ids + 1]).flatten()
col = np.dstack([2 * edge_ids, 2 * edge_ids + 1, 2 * edge_ids + 1, 2 * edge_ids]).flatten()
return sc.sparse.csc_matrix((data, (col, row)), shape=(2 * m, 2 * m))
[docs]def compute_overlapping_single_edges(passive_mode, graph):
"""Compute the overlappin factor of a mode with the pump."""
dielectric_constant = _get_dielectric_constant_matrix(graph.graph["params"])
in_mask, _ = _get_mask_matrices(graph.graph["params"])
inner_dielectric_constants = dielectric_constant.dot(in_mask)
node_solution = mode_on_nodes(passive_mode, graph)
z_matrix = compute_z_matrix(graph)
BT, Bout = construct_incidence_matrix(graph)
Winv = construct_weight_matrix(graph, with_k=False)
inner_norm = _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, inner_dielectric_constants)
pump_norm = np.zeros(len(graph.edges), dtype=np.complex128)
for pump_edge, inner in enumerate(graph.graph["params"]["inner"]):
if inner:
mask = np.zeros(len(graph.edges))
mask[pump_edge] = 1.0
pump_mask = sc.sparse.diags(_convert_edges(mask))
pump_norm[pump_edge] = _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, pump_mask)
return np.real(pump_norm / inner_norm)
[docs]def compute_overlapping_factor(passive_mode, graph):
"""Compute the overlapping factor of a mode with the pump."""
dielectric_constant = _get_dielectric_constant_matrix(graph.graph["params"])
in_mask, pump_mask = _get_mask_matrices(graph.graph["params"])
inner_dielectric_constants = dielectric_constant.dot(in_mask)
node_solution = mode_on_nodes(passive_mode, graph)
z_matrix = compute_z_matrix(graph)
BT, Bout = construct_incidence_matrix(graph)
Winv = construct_weight_matrix(graph, with_k=False)
pump_norm = _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, pump_mask)
inner_norm = _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, inner_dielectric_constants)
return pump_norm / inner_norm
[docs]def pump_linear(mode_0, graph, D0_0, D0_1):
"""Find the linear approximation of the new wavenumber."""
graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = D0_0
overlapping_factor = compute_overlapping_factor(mode_0, graph)
freq = to_complex(mode_0)
gamma_overlap = gamma(freq, graph.graph["params"]) * overlapping_factor
return from_complex(freq * np.sqrt((1.0 + gamma_overlap * D0_0) / (1.0 + gamma_overlap * D0_1)))
[docs]def mode_on_nodes(mode, graph):
"""Compute the mode solution on the nodes of the graph."""
laplacian = construct_laplacian(to_complex(mode), graph)
min_eigenvalue, node_solution = sc.sparse.linalg.eigs(
laplacian, k=1, sigma=0, v0=np.ones(len(graph)), which="LM"
quality_thresh = graph.graph["params"].get("quality_threshold", 1e-4)
if abs(min_eigenvalue[0]) > quality_thresh:
raise Exception(
"Not a mode, as quality is too high: "
+ str(abs(min_eigenvalue[0]))
+ " > "
+ str(quality_thresh)
+ ", mode: "
+ str(mode)
return node_solution[:, 0]
[docs]def flux_on_edges(mode, graph):
"""Compute the flux on each edge (in both directions)."""
node_solution = mode_on_nodes(mode, graph)
BT, _ = construct_incidence_matrix(graph)
Winv = construct_weight_matrix(graph, with_k=False)
return Winv.dot(BT.T).dot(node_solution)
[docs]def mean_mode_on_edges(mode, graph):
r"""Compute the average :math:`|E|^2` on each edge."""
edge_flux = flux_on_edges(mode, graph)
mean_edge_solution = np.zeros(len(graph.edges))
for ei in range(len(graph.edges)):
k = 1.0j * graph.graph["ks"][ei]
length = graph.graph["lengths"][ei]
z = np.zeros([2, 2], dtype=np.complex128)
z[0, 0] = (np.exp(length * (k + np.conj(k))) - 1.0) / (length * (k + np.conj(k)))
z[0, 1] = (np.exp(length * k) - np.exp(length * np.conj(k))) / (length * (k - np.conj(k)))
z[1, 0] = z[0, 1]
z[1, 1] = z[0, 0]
mean_edge_solution[ei] = np.real(
edge_flux[2 * ei : 2 * ei + 2].T.dot(z.dot(np.conj(edge_flux[2 * ei : 2 * ei + 2])))
return mean_edge_solution
[docs]def mean_mode_E4_on_edges(mode, graph):
r"""Compute the average :math:`|E|^4` on each edge."""
edge_flux = flux_on_edges(mode, graph)
meanE4_edge_solution = np.zeros(len(graph.edges))
for ei in range(len(graph.edges)):
k = graph.graph["ks"][ei]
length = graph.graph["lengths"][ei]
z = np.zeros([4, 4], dtype=np.complex128)
z[0, 0] = (np.exp(2.0j * length * (k - np.conj(k))) - 1.0) / (
2.0j * length * (k - np.conj(k))
z[1, 1] = (np.exp(2.0j * length * k) - np.exp(-2.0j * length * np.conj(k))) / (
2.0j * length * (k + np.conj(k))
z[0, 1] = (
(np.exp(1.0j * length * (k - np.conj(k))))
* (np.exp(1.0j * length * k) - np.exp(-1.0j * length * k))
/ (2.0j * length * k)
z[0, 3] = np.exp(1.0j * length * (k - np.conj(k)))
z[2, 2] = z[1, 1]
z[3, 3] = z[0, 0]
z[3, 0] = z[0, 3]
z[1, 2] = z[0, 3]
z[2, 1] = z[0, 3]
z[1, 0] = z[0, 1]
z[2, 3] = z[0, 1]
z[3, 2] = z[0, 1]
z[0, 2] = np.conj(z[0, 1])
z[2, 0] = z[0, 2]
z[1, 3] = z[0, 2]
z[3, 1] = z[0, 2]
fluxvec = np.outer(
np.conj(edge_flux[2 * ei : 2 * ei + 2]), edge_flux[2 * ei : 2 * ei + 2]
meanE4_edge_solution[ei] = np.real(fluxvec.T.dot(z.dot(fluxvec)))
return meanE4_edge_solution
[docs]def compute_mode_IPR(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry="passive"):
Compute the IPR of a mode
mode = modes_df[df_entry][index]
mode_E4_mean = mean_mode_E4_on_edges(mode, graph)
mode_E2_mean = mean_mode_on_edges(mode, graph)
edge_length = np.zeros(len(graph.edges))
integral_E2 = 0
integral_E4 = 0
for ei, inner in enumerate(graph.graph["params"]["inner"]):
if inner:
edge_length[ei] = graph.graph["lengths"][ei]
integral_E2 += mode_E2_mean[ei] * edge_length[ei]
integral_E4 += mode_E4_mean[ei] * edge_length[ei]
tot_length = np.sum(edge_length) # total inner length
IPR = tot_length * integral_E4 / integral_E2**2
return IPR
[docs]def compute_IPRs(graph, modes_df, df_entry="passive"):
"""Compute IPR of all modes on the graph."""
IPRs = []
for index in tqdm(modes_df.index, total=len(modes_df)):
IPR = compute_mode_IPR(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry)
if "IPR" in modes_df:
del modes_df["IPR"]
modes_df["IPR"] = IPRs
return modes_df
[docs]def gamma_q_value(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry="passive"):
"""Compute gamma * Q factor for a given mode."""
mode = modes_df[df_entry][index]
return -q_value(mode) * np.imag(gamma(to_complex(mode), graph.graph["params"]))
[docs]def compute_gamma_q_values(graph, modes_df, df_entry="passive"):
"""Compute gamma * Q factor for all modes on the graph."""
return [
gamma_q_value(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry)
for index in tqdm(modes_df.index, total=len(modes_df))
def _precomputations_mode_competition(graph, pump_mask, mode_threshold):
"""precompute some quantities for a mode for mode competition matrix"""
mode, threshold = mode_threshold
graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = threshold
node_solution = mode_on_nodes(mode, graph)
z_matrix = compute_z_matrix(graph)
BT, Bout = construct_incidence_matrix(graph)
Winv = construct_weight_matrix(graph, with_k=False)
pump_norm = _graph_norm(BT, Bout, Winv, z_matrix, node_solution, pump_mask)
edge_flux = flux_on_edges(mode, graph) / np.sqrt(pump_norm)
k_mu = graph.graph["ks"]
gam = gamma(to_complex(mode), graph.graph["params"])
return k_mu, edge_flux, gam
def _compute_mode_competition_element(lengths, params, data, with_gamma=True):
"""Computes a single element of the mode competition matrix."""
mu_data, nu_data, gamma_nu = data
k_mus, edge_flux_mu = mu_data
k_nus, edge_flux_nu = nu_data
matrix_element = 0
for ei, length in enumerate(lengths):
if params["pump"][ei] > 0.0 and params["inner"][ei]:
k_mu = k_mus[ei]
k_nu = k_nus[ei]
inner_matrix = np.zeros([4, 4], dtype=np.complex128)
# A terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu - np.conj(k_nu) + 2.0 * k_mu)
inner_matrix[0, 0] = inner_matrix[3, 3] = (np.exp(ik_tmp * length) - 1.0) / ik_tmp
# B terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu - np.conj(k_nu) - 2.0 * k_mu)
inner_matrix[0, 3] = inner_matrix[3, 0] = (
np.exp(2.0j * k_mu * length) * (np.exp(ik_tmp * length) - 1.0) / ik_tmp
# C terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu + np.conj(k_nu) + 2.0 * k_mu)
inner_matrix[1, 0] = inner_matrix[2, 3] = (
np.exp(1.0j * (k_nu + 2.0 * k_mu) * length) - np.exp(-1.0j * np.conj(k_nu) * length)
) / ik_tmp
# D terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu + np.conj(k_nu) - 2.0 * k_mu)
inner_matrix[1, 3] = inner_matrix[2, 0] = (
np.exp(1.0j * k_nu * length) - np.exp(1.0j * (2.0 * k_mu - np.conj(k_nu)) * length)
) / ik_tmp
# E terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu - np.conj(k_nu))
inner_matrix[0, 1] = inner_matrix[0, 2] = inner_matrix[3, 1] = inner_matrix[3, 2] = (
np.exp(1.0j * k_mu * length) * (np.exp(ik_tmp * length) - 1.0) / ik_tmp
# F terms
ik_tmp = 1.0j * (k_nu + np.conj(k_nu))
inner_matrix[1, 1] = inner_matrix[1, 2] = inner_matrix[2, 1] = inner_matrix[2, 2] = (
np.exp(1.0j * k_mu * length)
* (np.exp(1.0j * k_nu * length) - np.exp(-1.0j * np.conj(k_nu) * length))
/ ik_tmp
# left vector
flux_nu_plus = edge_flux_nu[2 * ei]
flux_nu_minus = edge_flux_nu[2 * ei + 1]
left_vector = np.array(
abs(flux_nu_plus) ** 2,
flux_nu_plus * np.conj(flux_nu_minus),
np.conj(flux_nu_plus) * flux_nu_minus,
abs(flux_nu_minus) ** 2,
# right vector
flux_mu_plus = edge_flux_mu[2 * ei]
flux_mu_minus = edge_flux_mu[2 * ei + 1]
right_vector = np.array(
flux_mu_plus * flux_mu_minus,
flux_mu_plus * flux_mu_minus,
matrix_element += left_vector.dot(inner_matrix.dot(right_vector))
if with_gamma:
return -matrix_element * np.imag(gamma_nu)
return matrix_element
[docs]def compute_mode_competition_matrix(graph, modes_df, with_gamma=True):
"""Compute the mode competition matrix, or T matrix."""
threshold_modes = modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"].to_numpy()
lasing_thresholds_all = modes_df["lasing_thresholds"].to_numpy()
threshold_modes = threshold_modes[lasing_thresholds_all < np.inf]
lasing_thresholds = lasing_thresholds_all[lasing_thresholds_all < np.inf]
precomp = partial(
chunksize = max(1, int(0.1 * len(lasing_thresholds) / graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]))
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
precomp_results = list(
pool.imap(precomp, zip(threshold_modes, lasing_thresholds), chunksize=chunksize),
input_data = []
for mu in range(len(threshold_modes)):
for nu in range(len(threshold_modes)):
chunksize = max(1, int(0.1 * len(input_data) / graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]))
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
output_data = list(
mode_competition_matrix = np.zeros(
[len(threshold_modes), len(threshold_modes)], dtype=np.complex128
index = 0
for mu in range(len(threshold_modes)):
for nu in range(len(threshold_modes)):
mode_competition_matrix[mu, nu] = output_data[index]
index += 1
mode_competition_matrix_full = np.zeros(
np.ix_(lasing_thresholds_all < np.inf, lasing_thresholds_all < np.inf)
] = np.real(mode_competition_matrix)
return mode_competition_matrix_full
def _find_next_lasing_mode(
"""Find next interacting lasing mode."""
interacting_lasing_thresholds = np.ones(len(modes_df)) * np.inf
for mu in modes_df.index:
if mu not in lasing_mode_ids:
sub_mode_comp_matrix_mu = mode_competition_matrix[
np.ix_(lasing_mode_ids + [mu], lasing_mode_ids)
sub_mode_comp_matrix_inv = np.linalg.pinv(
mode_competition_matrix[np.ix_(lasing_mode_ids, lasing_mode_ids)]
sub_mode_comp_matrix_mu_inv = sub_mode_comp_matrix_mu[-1, :].dot(
factor = (1.0 - sub_mode_comp_matrix_mu_inv.sum()) / (
- lasing_thresholds[mu]
* sub_mode_comp_matrix_mu_inv.dot(1.0 / lasing_thresholds[lasing_mode_ids])
_int_thresh = lasing_thresholds[mu] * factor
if (
_int_thresh > pump_intensity
and _int_thresh > modes_df.loc[mu, "lasing_thresholds"].to_list()[0]
interacting_lasing_thresholds[mu] = _int_thresh
next_lasing_mode_id = np.argmin(interacting_lasing_thresholds)
next_lasing_threshold = interacting_lasing_thresholds[next_lasing_mode_id]
return next_lasing_mode_id, next_lasing_threshold
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
[docs]def compute_modal_intensities(modes_df, max_pump_intensity, mode_competition_matrix):
"""Compute the modal intensities of the modes up to D0, with D0_steps."""
lasing_thresholds = modes_df["lasing_thresholds"]
next_lasing_mode_id = np.argmin(lasing_thresholds)
next_lasing_threshold = lasing_thresholds[next_lasing_mode_id]
L.debug("First lasing mode id: %s", next_lasing_mode_id)
modal_intensities = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(modes_df)))
lasing_mode_ids = [next_lasing_mode_id]
interacting_lasing_thresholds = np.inf * np.ones(len(modes_df))
interacting_lasing_thresholds[next_lasing_mode_id] = next_lasing_threshold
modal_intensities.loc[next_lasing_mode_id, next_lasing_threshold] = 0
pump_intensity = next_lasing_threshold
L.debug("Max pump intensity %s", max_pump_intensity)
while pump_intensity <= max_pump_intensity:
L.debug("Current pump intensity %s", pump_intensity)
# 1) compute the current mode intensities
mode_competition_matrix_inv = np.linalg.pinv(
mode_competition_matrix[np.ix_(lasing_mode_ids, lasing_mode_ids)]
slopes = mode_competition_matrix_inv.dot(1.0 / lasing_thresholds[lasing_mode_ids])
shifts = mode_competition_matrix_inv.sum(1)
# if we hit the max intensity, we add last points and stop
if pump_intensity >= max_pump_intensity:
L.debug("Max pump intensity reached.")
modal_intensities.loc[lasing_mode_ids, max_pump_intensity] = (
slopes * max_pump_intensity - shifts
modal_intensities.loc[lasing_mode_ids, pump_intensity] = slopes * pump_intensity - shifts
# 2) search for next lasing mode
next_lasing_mode_id, next_lasing_threshold = _find_next_lasing_mode(
L.debug("Next lasing threshold %s", next_lasing_threshold)
# 3) deal with vanishing modes before next lasing mode
vanishing_mode_id = None
if any(slopes < -1e-10):
vanishing_pump_intensities = shifts / slopes
vanishing_pump_intensities[slopes > -1e-10] = np.inf
if np.min(vanishing_pump_intensities) < next_lasing_threshold:
vanishing_mode_id = lasing_mode_ids[np.argmin(vanishing_pump_intensities)]
# 4) prepare for the next step
if vanishing_mode_id is None:
if next_lasing_threshold < max_pump_intensity:
interacting_lasing_thresholds[next_lasing_mode_id] = next_lasing_threshold
pump_intensity = next_lasing_threshold
L.debug("New lasing mode id: %s", next_lasing_mode_id)
pump_intensity = max_pump_intensity
elif np.min(vanishing_pump_intensities) + 1e-10 > 0:
L.debug("Vanishing mode id: %s", vanishing_mode_id)
mode_id = np.where(np.array(lasing_mode_ids) == vanishing_mode_id)[0][0]
pump_intensity = np.min(vanishing_pump_intensities) + 1e-10
# if it vanishes after max pump, we compute the modal amp at that pump
if pump_intensity > max_pump_intensity:
pump_intensity = max_pump_intensity
modal_intensities.loc[vanishing_mode_id, max_pump_intensity] = (
slopes[mode_id] * max_pump_intensity - shifts[mode_id]
modal_intensities.loc[vanishing_mode_id, pump_intensity] = 0
del lasing_mode_ids[mode_id]
modes_df["interacting_lasing_thresholds"] = interacting_lasing_thresholds
if "modal_intensities" in modes_df:
del modes_df["modal_intensities"]
for pump_intensity in modal_intensities:
# we force to be of given precision for stability
modes_df["modal_intensities", np.around(pump_intensity, 8)] = modal_intensities[
"%s lasing modes out of %s",
len(np.where(modal_intensities.to_numpy()[:, -1] > 0)[0]),
return modes_df
[docs]def pump_trajectories(modes_df, graph, return_approx=False):
"""For a sequence of D0s, find the mode positions of the modes modes."""
D0s = np.linspace(
n_modes = len(modes_df)
pumped_modes = [[from_complex(mode) for mode in modes_df["passive"]]]
pumped_modes_approx = pumped_modes.copy()
for d in range(len(D0s) - 1):
"Step %s / %s, computing for D0= %s",
str(d + 1),
str(len(D0s) - 1),
str(D0s[d + 1]),
for m in range(n_modes):
pumped_modes_approx[-1][m] = pump_linear(pumped_modes[-1][m], graph, D0s[d], D0s[d + 1])
worker_modes = WorkerModes(pumped_modes_approx[-1], graph, D0s=n_modes * [D0s[d + 1]])
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
pumped_modes.append(list(tqdm(pool.imap(worker_modes, range(n_modes)), total=n_modes)))
for i, mode in enumerate(pumped_modes[-1]):
if mode is None:
L.info("Mode not be updated, consider changing the search parameters.")
pumped_modes[-1][i] = pumped_modes[-2][i]
if "mode_trajectories" in modes_df:
del modes_df["mode_trajectories"]
for D0, pumped_mode in zip(D0s, pumped_modes):
modes_df["mode_trajectories", D0] = [to_complex(mode) for mode in pumped_mode]
if return_approx:
if "mode_trajectories_approx" in modes_df:
del modes_df["mode_trajectories_approx"]
for D0, pumped_mode_approx in zip(D0s, pumped_modes_approx):
modes_df["mode_trajectories_approx", D0] = [
to_complex(mode) for mode in pumped_mode_approx
return modes_df
def _get_new_D0(arg, graph=None, D0_steps=0.1):
"""Internal function for multiprocessing."""
mode_id, new_mode, D0 = arg
increment = lasing_threshold_linear(new_mode, graph, D0)
if increment > -D0_steps:
new_D0 = abs(D0 + increment)
new_D0 = min(new_D0, D0_steps + D0)
L.debug("Intensity increment is negative, we set step to half max step.")
new_D0 = D0 + 0.5 * D0_steps
L.debug("Mode %s at intensity %s", mode_id, new_D0)
new_modes_approx = pump_linear(new_mode, graph, D0, new_D0)
return mode_id, new_D0, new_modes_approx
[docs]def find_threshold_lasing_modes(modes_df, graph): # pylint:disable=too-many-statements
"""Find the threshold lasing modes and associated lasing thresholds."""
stepsize = graph.graph["params"]["search_stepsize"]
D0_steps = graph.graph["params"]["D0_max"] / graph.graph["params"]["D0_steps"]
new_modes = modes_df["passive"].to_numpy()
threshold_lasing_modes = np.zeros([len(modes_df), 2])
lasing_thresholds = np.inf * np.ones(len(modes_df))
D0s = np.zeros(len(modes_df))
current_modes = np.arange(len(modes_df))
stuck_modes_count = 0
max_modes = len(current_modes)
prev_n_modes = 0
while len(current_modes) > 0:
if len(current_modes) == prev_n_modes:
stuck_modes_count += 1
prev_n_modes = len(current_modes)
if max_modes > stuck_modes_count > 100:
warnings.warn("We stop here, some modes got stuck.")
current_modes = []
L.info("%s modes left to find", len(current_modes))
new_D0s = np.zeros(len(modes_df))
new_modes_approx = np.empty([len(new_modes), 2])
args = ((mode_id, new_modes[mode_id], D0s[mode_id]) for mode_id in current_modes)
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
for mode_id, new_D0, new_mode_approx in pool.imap(
partial(_get_new_D0, graph=graph, D0_steps=D0_steps), args
new_D0s[mode_id] = new_D0
new_modes_approx[mode_id] = new_mode_approx
# this is a trick to reduce the stepsizes as we are near the solution
graph.graph["params"]["search_stepsize"] = (
stepsize * np.mean(abs(new_D0s[new_D0s > 0] - D0s[new_D0s > 0])) / D0_steps
L.debug("Current search_stepsize: %s", graph.graph["params"]["search_stepsize"])
worker_modes = WorkerModes(new_modes_approx, graph, D0s=new_D0s)
new_modes_tmp = np.zeros([len(modes_df), 2])
with multiprocessing.Pool(graph.graph["params"]["n_workers"]) as pool:
new_modes_tmp[current_modes] = list(
tqdm(pool.imap(worker_modes, current_modes), total=len(current_modes))
to_delete = []
for i, mode_index in enumerate(current_modes):
if new_modes_tmp[mode_index] is None:
L.info("A mode could not be updated, consider modifying the search parameters.")
new_modes_tmp[mode_index] = new_modes[mode_index]
elif abs(new_modes_tmp[mode_index][1]) < 1e-6:
threshold_lasing_modes[mode_index] = new_modes_tmp[mode_index]
lasing_thresholds[mode_index] = new_D0s[mode_index]
elif new_D0s[mode_index] > graph.graph["params"]["D0_max"]:
current_modes = np.delete(current_modes, to_delete)
D0s = new_D0s.copy()
new_modes = new_modes_tmp.copy()
modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"] = [to_complex(mode) for mode in threshold_lasing_modes]
modes_df["lasing_thresholds"] = lasing_thresholds
# we remove duplicated threshold lasing modes (we keep first appearance)
prec = graph.graph["params"]["quality_threshold"]
modes_df["th"] = prec * (abs(modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"]) / prec).round(0)
val, count = np.unique(modes_df["th"].to_numpy(), return_counts=True)
for v in val[count > 1]:
mask = modes_df[modes_df["th"] == v].index
if len(mask) > 1:
modes_df.loc[mask[1:], "threshold_lasing_modes"] = 0.0
modes_df.loc[mask[1:], "lasing_thresholds"] = np.inf
return modes_df.drop(columns=["th"])
[docs]def lasing_threshold_linear(mode, graph, D0):
"""Find the linear approximation of the new wavenumber."""
graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = D0
return 1.0 / (
* -np.imag(gamma(to_complex(mode), graph.graph["params"]))
* np.real(compute_overlapping_factor(mode, graph))