Source code for netsalt.plotting

"""plotting function"""
import logging
import os
from itertools import cycle
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from tqdm import tqdm

from .modes import mean_mode_on_edges, mode_on_nodes
from .utils import get_scan_grid, linewidth, lorentzian, order_edges_by

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-arguments

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename):
    """Save figures in subfolders and with different extensions."""
    if fig is not None:
        for ext in graph.graph["params"]["exts"]:
            folder_ext = Path(folder + "_" + ext.split(".")[-1])
            if not folder_ext.exists():
            fig.savefig((folder_ext / filename).with_suffix(ext), bbox_inches="tight")

[docs]def get_spectra(graph, modes_df, pump_index=-1, width=0.0005): """Compute spectra.""" threshold_modes = np.real(modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"]) modal_amplitudes = np.real(modes_df["modal_intensities"].iloc[:, pump_index]) ks = np.linspace(graph.graph["params"]["k_min"], graph.graph["params"]["k_max"], 10000) spectra = np.zeros(len(ks)) for mode, amplitude in zip(threshold_modes, modal_amplitudes): if amplitude > 0: spectra += amplitude * linewidth(ks, np.real(mode), width) return ks, spectra
[docs]def plot_spectra( graph, modes_df, pump_index=-1, width=0.0005, ax=None, folder="plots", filename="spectra", save_option=False, with_lorenz=False, plot_kwargs=None, ): """Plot spectra with linewidths.""" if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2)) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = None ks, spectra = get_spectra(graph, modes_df, pump_index=pump_index, width=width) ax.plot(ks, spectra, **plot_kwargs) if with_lorenz: ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(ks, lorentzian(ks, graph), "r--") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda$") ax2.set_ylabel("Gain spectrum (a.u.)") if save_option: _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename)
[docs]def plot_stem_spectra( graph, modes_df, pump_index=-1, ax=None, folder="plots", filename="stem_spectra", save_option=False, ): """Plot spectra with stem plots.""" threshold_modes = np.real(modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"]) modal_amplitudes = np.real(modes_df["modal_intensities"].iloc[:, pump_index])"%s lasing modes in spectrum", len(threshold_modes[modal_amplitudes > 0])) ks, _ = get_scan_grid(graph) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = None markerline, _, baseline = ax.stem( threshold_modes, modal_amplitudes, "-", linefmt="grey", markerfmt=" " ) # colors = cycle(["C{}".format(i) for i in range(10)]) markerline.set_markerfacecolor("white") # plt.setp(stemlines, "alpha", 0.5, "linewidth", 2) plt.setp(baseline, "color", "grey", "linewidth", 1) ax.set_xlabel(r"$k$") ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u.)") ax.set_xlim(ks[0], ks[-1]) ax.set_ylim( -0.05 * np.max(modal_amplitudes[~np.isnan(modal_amplitudes)]), np.max(modal_amplitudes[~np.isnan(modal_amplitudes)]) * 1.3, ) ax2 = ax.twinx() ks = np.linspace(graph.graph["params"]["k_min"], graph.graph["params"]["k_max"], 1000) ax2.plot(ks, lorentzian(ks, graph), "r--") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda$") ax2.set_ylabel("Gain spectrum (a.u.)") ax3 = ax.twiny() lams = 2 * np.pi / ks ax3.set_xlim(lams[0], lams[-1]) if save_option: _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename)
[docs]def plot_ll_curve( graph, modes_df, with_legend=True, ax=None, with_colors=True, with_thresholds=False, folder="plots", filename="ll_curve", save_option=False, ): """Plot LL curves.""" colors = cycle([f"C{i}" for i in range(10)]) pump_intensities = modes_df["modal_intensities"].columns.values modes_df = modes_df.sort_values( by=[("modal_intensities", pump_intensities[-1])], axis=0, na_position="last", ascending=False, ) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = None for index, mode in modes_df.iterrows(): intens = np.real(mode["modal_intensities"].to_numpy()) if not any(~np.isnan(intens)): # do not plot non-lasing modes continue if with_colors: color = next(colors) else: color = "grey" ax.plot(pump_intensities, intens, label="mode " + str(index), c=color, lw=0.5) if with_thresholds: ax.axvline( modes_df["lasing_thresholds"][index], c=color, ls="dotted", ymin=0, ymax=0.2, ) ax.axhline(0, lw=0.5, c="k", ls="--") if with_legend: ax.legend() top = np.max(np.nan_to_num(modes_df["modal_intensities"].to_numpy())) if pump_intensities[-1] < np.inf: ax.axis([0, pump_intensities[-1], -0.02 * top, top]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$D_0$") ax.set_ylabel("Intensity (a.u)") if save_option: _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename)
[docs]def plot_scan( graph, qualities, modes_df=None, figsize=None, ax=None, with_trajectories=True, with_scatter=True, with_approx=True, folder="plots", filename="scan", relax_upper=False, save_option=False, ): """plot the scan with the mode found""" ks, alphas = get_scan_grid(graph) if figsize is None: figsize = (len(ks) / len(alphas) * 3, 5) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = None im = ax.imshow( np.log10(qualities.T), extent=(ks[0], ks[-1], alphas[0], alphas[-1]), aspect="auto", origin="lower", cmap=plt.get_cmap("Blues_r"), ) plt.axhline(0, c="k") cbaxes = inset_axes(ax, width="2%", height="40%", loc="lower center") cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cbaxes) cbar.set_label(r"$log_{10}(quality)$", fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel(r"$Real(k)$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\alpha = -Im(k)$") if modes_df is not None: for index, modes in modes_df.iterrows(): k = np.real(modes["passive"][0]) alpha = -np.imag(modes["passive"][0]) ax.scatter( k, alpha, marker="o", color="r", s=np.real(modes["q_factor"]) / np.max(modes_df["q_factor"]) * 20, ) ax.annotate(index, (k, alpha), size="x-small") if "threshold_lasing_modes" in modes_df: ax.scatter( np.real(modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"].to_numpy()), -np.imag(modes_df["threshold_lasing_modes"].to_numpy()), c="m", ) if with_trajectories and "mode_trajectories" in modes_df: plot_pump_traj(modes_df, with_scatter=with_scatter, with_approx=with_approx, ax=ax) ax.axis([ks[0], ks[-1], alphas[-1], alphas[0]]) if relax_upper: ax.set_ylim( graph.graph["params"]["alpha_max"], -np.max(np.imag(modes_df["mode_trajectories"].to_numpy())), ) if save_option: _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename) return ax
[docs]def plot_pump_profile(graph, pump, figsize=(5, 4), ax=None, node_size=1.0, c="0.8"): """Plot the pump profile on top of the graph structure.""" if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() positions = [graph.nodes[u]["position"] for u in graph] pumped_edges = [e for e, pump in zip(graph.edges, pump) if pump > 0.0] nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph, pos=positions, edgelist=pumped_edges, edge_color=c, width=10, ) plot_quantum_graph(graph, ax=ax, node_size=node_size)
[docs]def plot_quantum_graph( graph, figsize=(5, 4), ax=None, edge_colors=None, node_colors=None, node_size=0.1, color_map="Accent_r", # coolwarm plasma cbar_min=0, cbar_max=1, folder="plots", filename="original_graph", save_option=False, ): """plot the graph""" positions = [graph.nodes[u]["position"] for u in graph] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = None if node_colors is not None: nx.draw_networkx_nodes( graph, pos=positions, node_size=node_size, node_color=node_colors, vmin=0, vmax=np.max(node_colors), cmap=plt.get_cmap(color_map), ) nodes =, np.max(node_colors)), cmap=plt.get_cmap(color_map), ) plt.colorbar(nodes, label=r"node values") else: nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos=positions, node_size=node_size, node_color="k") # nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos=positions) # for edge labeling: # labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph,'edgelabel') # labels = dict([((u, v), i) for i, (u, v) in enumerate(graph.edges())]) # nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos=positions, edge_labels=labels) if edge_colors is not None: edge_colors = np.real(edge_colors) for ei, e in enumerate(order_edges_by(graph, edge_colors)): nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph, pos=positions, edgelist=[e], edge_color=[np.sort(edge_colors)[ei]], edge_cmap=plt.get_cmap(color_map), width=2, # 5 alpha=1, # 0.7 edge_vmin=cbar_min, edge_vmax=cbar_max, ) edges =, cbar_max), cmap=plt.get_cmap(color_map), ) plt.colorbar(edges, label=r"edge values") else: nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos=positions, width=2) out_nodes = [] for e in graph.edges(): if "inner" in graph[e[0]][e[1]] and not graph[e[0]][e[1]]["inner"]: if len(graph[e[0]]) == 1: out_nodes.append(e[0]) if len(graph[e[1]]) == 1: out_nodes.append(e[1]) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( graph, nodelist=out_nodes, pos=positions, node_color="r", node_size=node_size ) plt.gca().tick_params(left=True, bottom=True, labelleft=True, labelbottom=True) if save_option: _savefig(graph, fig, folder, filename)
[docs]def plot_pump_traj(modes_df, with_scatter=True, with_approx=True, ax=None): """plot pump trajectories""" if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() colors = cycle([f"C{i}" for i in range(10)]) pumped_modes = modes_df["mode_trajectories"].to_numpy() for pumped_mode in pumped_modes: if with_scatter: ax.scatter(np.real(pumped_mode), -np.imag(pumped_mode), marker="o", s=10, c="b") ax.plot(np.real(pumped_mode), -np.imag(pumped_mode), c=next(colors)) if "mode_trajectories_approx" in modes_df and with_approx: pumped_modes_approx = modes_df["mode_trajectories_approx"].to_numpy() for pumped_mode_approx in pumped_modes_approx: ax.scatter( np.real(pumped_mode_approx), -np.imag(pumped_mode_approx), marker="+", s=10, c="k", )
[docs]def plot_single_mode( graph, modes_df, index, df_entry="passive", colorbar=True, ax=None, edge_vmin=None, edge_vmax=None, ): """Plot single mode on the graph.""" mode = modes_df[df_entry][index] if df_entry == "threshold_lasing_modes": graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = modes_df["lasing_thresholds"][index] ax = _plot_single_mode( graph, mode, ax=ax, colorbar=colorbar, edge_vmin=edge_vmin, edge_vmax=edge_vmax ) ax.set_title( "mode " + str(index) + ", k = " + str(np.around(np.real(mode), 3) - 1j * np.around(np.imag(mode), 3)) )
def _plot_single_mode(graph, mode, ax=None, colorbar=True, edge_vmin=None, edge_vmax=None): positions = [graph.nodes[u]["position"] for u in graph] edge_solution = mean_mode_on_edges(mode, graph) if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) # 14,3 ax = plt.gca() nx.draw(graph, pos=positions, node_size=0, width=0, ax=ax) cmap = plt.get_cmap("PuRd") if edge_vmax is None: edge_vmax = max(edge_solution) if edge_vmin is None: edge_vmin = min(edge_solution) nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph, pos=positions, edge_color=edge_solution, width=2, edge_cmap=cmap, edge_vmin=edge_vmin, edge_vmax=edge_vmax, ax=ax, ) if colorbar: sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=edge_vmin, vmax=edge_vmax)) sm.set_array([]) plt.colorbar(sm, label=r"$|E|^2$ (a.u)", shrink=0.5) return ax
[docs]def plot_modes(graph, modes_df, df_entry="passive", folder="modes", ext=".png"): """Plot modes on the graph.""" for index in tqdm(modes_df.index, total=len(modes_df)): plot_single_mode(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry) plt.savefig(folder + "/mode_" + str(index) + ext) plt.close() if "name" in graph.graph: if graph.graph["name"] == "line_PRA" or graph.graph["name"] == "line_semi": plot_line_mode(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry) plt.savefig(folder + "/profile_mode_" + str(index) + ext)
[docs]def plot_mode_evolution(graph, modes_df, index, folder="mode_evolution", ext=".png"): """Plot mode evolution as a function of pump power.""" modes = modes_df.loc[index, "mode_trajectories"] Path(folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for i, d0 in enumerate(modes.index): graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = d0 _plot_single_mode(graph, modes.loc[d0]) plt.suptitle(f"D0={np.around(d0, 3)}") plt.savefig(f"{folder}/mode_{index}_D0_{i:03d}{ext}") plt.close()
[docs]def plot_line_mode(graph, modes_df, index, df_entry="passive", ax=None): """Plot single mode on the line.""" if ax is None: plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) ax = plt.gca() mode = modes_df[df_entry][index] if df_entry == "threshold_lasing_modes": graph.graph["params"]["D0"] = modes_df["lasing_thresholds"][index] node_solution = mode_on_nodes(mode, graph) position_x = [graph.nodes[u]["position"][0] for u in graph] E_sorted = node_solution[np.argsort(position_x)] node_positions = np.sort(position_x - position_x[1]) maxE2 = max(abs(E_sorted[1:-1]) ** 2) ax.plot(node_positions[1:-1], abs(E_sorted[1:-1]) ** 2 / maxE2) ax.set_title( "mode " + str(index) + "k = " + str(np.around(np.real(mode), 3) - 1j * np.around(np.imag(mode), 3)) )