Source code for netsalt.quantum_graph

"""Quantum graph construction module.

A quantum graph is a networkx graph with additional parameters in graph.graph['param']
and specific node/edges attributes.
import logging

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc

from .physics import update_params_dielectric_constant
from .utils import to_complex

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_quantum_graph( graph, params=None, positions=None, lengths=None, seed=42, noise_level=0.001 ): """Extend a networkx graph with necessary attributes for being a quantum graph. Args: graph (networkx graph): pure networkx graph to consider as a quantum graph params (dict): specific parameters to setup the quantum graph (depends on use cases) positions (list): node positions, if Non networkx.spring_layout is used lengths (list) node lengths, if not None, it will override the lengths from positions seed (int): seed for rng noise_level (float): adds some noise if too manuy edges of equal lengths are found """ _set_node_positions(graph, positions) _set_edge_lengths(graph, lengths=lengths) _verify_lengths(graph, seed=seed, noise_level=noise_level) if params is None: params = graph.graph["params"] set_inner_edges(graph, params) update_parameters(graph, params)
def _verify_lengths(graph, seed=42, noise_level=0.001): """Add noise to lengths if many edges have equal.""" if noise_level > 0.0: lengths = [graph[u][v]["length"] for u, v in graph.edges] np.random.seed(seed) if np.max(np.unique(np.around(lengths, 5), return_counts=True)) > 0.2 * len(graph.edges): """You have more than 20% of edges of the same length, so we add some small noise for safety for the numerics.""" ) for u in graph: graph.nodes[u]["position"][0] += np.random.normal(0, noise_level * np.min(lengths)) _set_edge_lengths(graph) def _not_equal(data1, data2, force=False): """Check if datasets are the same.""" if force: return True if isinstance(data1, np.ndarray): return all(data1 != data2) return data1 != data2
[docs]def update_parameters(graph, params, force=False): """Set the parameter dictionary to the graph. TODO: improve this implementation Args: graph (graph): quantum graph params (dict): specific parameters to setup the quantum graph (depends on use cases) force (bool): I forgot """ warning_params = [ "k_min", "k_max", "k_n", "alpha_min", "alpha_max", "alpha_n", "k_a", "gamma_perp", "dielectric_params", "edgelabel", ] if "params" not in graph.graph: graph.graph["params"] = params else: for param, value in params.items(): if param not in graph.graph["params"]: graph.graph["params"][param] = value elif _not_equal(graph.graph["params"][param], value, force=force): if param in warning_params: if force: graph.graph["params"][param] = value else: pass else: graph.graph["params"][param] = value
[docs]def get_total_length(graph): """Get the total length of a quantum graph. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph """ return sum([graph[u][v]["length"] for u, v in graph.edges()])
[docs]def get_total_inner_length(graph): """Get the total inner length of the graph (considering inner edges only). Inner edges are defined as edges without degree one nodes. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph """ return sum([graph[u][v]["length"] for u, v in graph.edges() if graph[u][v]["inner"]])
[docs]def set_total_length(graph, total_length=None, max_extent=None, inner=True, with_position=True): """Set the (inner) total lengths of the graph to a given value. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph total_length (float): total length to set max_extent (float): only if total_length is None, set the maximal extent inner (bool): if True, only consider inner edges with_position (bool): if True, also rescale node positions """ if total_length is not None and max_extent is not None: raise Exception("only one of total_length or max_extent is allowed") length_ratio = 1.0 if total_length is not None: if inner: original_total_length = get_total_inner_length(graph) else: original_total_length = get_total_length(graph) length_ratio = total_length / original_total_length if max_extent is not None: _min_pos = min( np.array( [graph.nodes[u]["position"] for u in graph.nodes() if len(graph[u]) > 1] ).flatten() ) _max_pos = max( np.array( [graph.nodes[u]["position"] for u in graph.nodes() if len(graph[u]) > 1] ).flatten() ) _extent = _max_pos - _min_pos length_ratio = max_extent / _extent for u, v in graph.edges: graph[u][v]["length"] *= length_ratio if with_position: for u in graph: graph.nodes[u]["position"] *= length_ratio graph.graph["lengths"] = np.array([graph[u][v]["length"] for u, v in graph.edges])
def _set_pump_on_graph(graph): """Set the pump values on the graph from params.""" if "pump" not in graph.graph["params"]: graph.graph["params"]["pump"] = np.ones(len(graph.edges)) for ei, e in enumerate(graph.edges): graph[e[0]][e[1]]["pump"] = graph.graph["params"]["pump"][ei] def _set_pump_on_params(graph, params): """Set the pump values on the graph from params.""" params["pump"] = np.ones(len(graph.edges)) for ei, e in enumerate(graph.edges): params["pump"][ei] = graph[e[0]][e[1]]["pump"]
[docs]def simplify_graph(graph): """Remove degree 2 nodes. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph """ nodes_to_remove = [] edges_to_add = [] if all(len(graph[u]) == 2 for u in graph.nodes): return graph for u in graph.nodes: if len(graph[u]) == 2: neighs = list(graph[u].keys()) edges_to_add.append((neighs[0], neighs[1])) nodes_to_remove.append(u) graph.add_edges_from(edges_to_add) graph.remove_nodes_from(nodes_to_remove) return nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph)
[docs]def oversample_graph(graph, edge_size): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Oversample a graph by adding points on edges. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph edge_size (float): edge size to sample the graph """ _set_pump_on_graph(graph) oversampled_graph = graph.copy() for ei, (u, v) in enumerate(graph.edges): last_node = len(oversampled_graph) if graph[u][v]["inner"]: n_nodes = int(graph[u][v]["length"] / edge_size) if n_nodes > 1: dielectric_constant = graph[u][v]["dielectric_constant"] pump = graph[u][v]["pump"] oversampled_graph.remove_edge(u, v) for node_index in range(n_nodes - 1): node_position_x = graph.nodes[u]["position"][0] + (node_index + 1) / n_nodes * ( graph.nodes[v]["position"][0] - graph.nodes[u]["position"][0] ) node_position_y = graph.nodes[u]["position"][1] + (node_index + 1) / n_nodes * ( graph.nodes[v]["position"][1] - graph.nodes[u]["position"][1] ) node_position = np.array([node_position_x, node_position_y]) if node_index == 0: first, last = u, last_node else: first, last = last_node + node_index - 1, last_node + node_index oversampled_graph.add_node(last, position=node_position) oversampled_graph.add_edge( first, last, inner=True, dielectric_constant=dielectric_constant, pump=pump, edgelabel=ei, ) oversampled_graph.add_edge( last_node + node_index, v, inner=True, dielectric_constant=dielectric_constant, pump=pump, edgelabel=ei, ) oversampled_graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(oversampled_graph) _set_edge_lengths(oversampled_graph) params = {"inner": [oversampled_graph[u][v]["inner"] for u, v in oversampled_graph.edges]} update_params_dielectric_constant(oversampled_graph, params) _set_pump_on_params(oversampled_graph, params) update_parameters(oversampled_graph, params, force=True) return oversampled_graph
[docs]def construct_laplacian(wavenumber, graph): """Construct quantum laplacian from a graph. The quantum laplacian is L(k) = B^T(k) W^{-1}(k) B(k), with quantum incidence and weight matrix. Args: wavenumber (complex): wavenumber graph (graph): quantum graph """ set_wavenumber(graph, wavenumber) BT, Bout = construct_incidence_matrix(graph) Winv = construct_weight_matrix(graph) return
[docs]def set_wavenumber(graph, wavenumber): """Set edge wavenumbers with dispersion relation defined in graph['dispersion_relation']. Args: wavenumber (complex): wavenumber graph (graph): quantum graph """ graph.graph["ks"] = graph.graph["dispersion_relation"](wavenumber, params=graph.graph["params"])
[docs]def construct_incidence_matrix(graph): """Construct the quantum incidence matrix B(k). Args: graph (graph): quantum graph """ row = np.repeat(np.arange(len(graph.edges) * 2), 2) col = np.repeat(graph.edges, 2, axis=0).flatten() expl = np.exp(1.0j * graph.graph["lengths"] * graph.graph["ks"]) ones = np.ones(len(graph.edges)) data = np.dstack([-ones, expl, expl, -ones])[0].flatten() deg_u = np.array([len(graph[e[0]]) for e in graph.edges]) deg_v = np.array([len(graph[e[1]]) for e in graph.edges]) data_out = data.copy() mask = np.logical_or(deg_u == 1, deg_v == 1) data_out[1::4][mask] = 0 data_out[2::4][mask] = 0 m = len(graph.edges) n = len(graph.nodes) BT = sc.sparse.csr_matrix((data, (col, row)), shape=(n, 2 * m), dtype=np.complex128) Bout = sc.sparse.csr_matrix((data_out, (row, col)), shape=(2 * m, n), dtype=np.complex128) return BT, Bout
[docs]def construct_weight_matrix(graph, with_k=True): """Construct the quantum matrix W^{-1}(k). The with_k argument is needed for the graph laplcian, not for computing the edge amplitudes. Args: graph (graph): quantum graph with_k (bool): multiplies or not the laplacian by k """ mask = abs(graph.graph["ks"]) > 0 data_tmp = np.zeros(len(graph.edges), dtype=np.complex128) data_tmp[mask] = 1.0 / ( np.exp(2.0j * graph.graph["lengths"][mask] * graph.graph["ks"][mask]) - 1.0 ) if any(data_tmp > 1e5):"Large values in Winv, it may not work!") if with_k: data_tmp[mask] *= graph.graph["ks"][mask] data_tmp[~mask] = -0.5 * graph.graph["lengths"][~mask] row = np.arange(len(graph.edges) * 2) data = np.repeat(data_tmp, 2) m = len(graph.edges) return sc.sparse.csc_matrix((data, (row, row)), shape=(2 * m, 2 * m), dtype=np.complex128)
[docs]def set_inner_edges(graph, params=None, outer_edges=None): """Set the inner edges to True, according to a given model in params['open_model']. WARNING: this modifies params, which has to be set to graph with update_parameters TODO: improve implementation along with update_parameters Args: graph (graph): quantum graph params (dict): has to contain 'open_model' of the form open, closed, custom outer_edges (list): if open_model == custom, pass the list of outer edges. """ if params["open_model"] not in ["open", "closed", "custom"]: raise Exception(f"open_model value not understood:{params['open_model']}") params["inner"] = [] for ei, (u, v) in enumerate(graph.edges()): if params["open_model"] == "open" and (len(graph[u]) == 1 or len(graph[v]) == 1): graph[u][v]["inner"] = False params["inner"].append(False) elif params["open_model"] == "custom" and (u, v) in outer_edges: graph[u][v]["inner"] = False params["inner"].append(False) else: graph[u][v]["inner"] = True params["inner"].append(True) graph[u][v]["edgelabel"] = ei graph.graph["edgelabel"] = np.array([graph[u][v]["edgelabel"] for u, v in graph.edges])
def _set_node_positions(graph, positions=None): """Set the position to the networkx graph.""" if positions is None: positions = nx.spring_layout(graph) Warning("No node positions given, plots will have random positions from spring_layout") for u in graph.nodes(): graph.nodes[u]["position"] = positions[u] def _set_edge_lengths(graph, lengths=None): """Set lengths of edges.""" for ei, e in enumerate(list(graph.edges())): (u, v) = e[:2] if lengths is None: graph[u][v]["length"] = np.linalg.norm( graph.nodes[u]["position"] - graph.nodes[v]["position"] ) else: graph[u][v]["length"] = lengths[ei] graph.graph["lengths"] = np.array([graph[u][v]["length"] for u, v in graph.edges])
[docs]def laplacian_quality(laplacian, method="eigenvalue"): """Return the quality of a mode encoded in the quantum laplacian. If quality is low, the wavenumber of the laplacian is close to a solution of the quantum graph. Args: laplacian (sparse matrix): laplacian matrix method (str): either eigenvalue or singular value """ v0 = np.random.random(laplacian.shape[0]) if method == "eigenvalue": try: return abs( sc.sparse.linalg.eigs( laplacian, k=1, sigma=0, return_eigenvectors=False, which="LM", v0=v0 ) )[0] except sc.sparse.linalg.ArpackNoConvergence: # If eigenvalue solver did not converge, set to 1.0, return 1.0 except RuntimeError:"Runtime error, we add a small diagonal to laplacian, but things may be bad!") return abs( sc.sparse.linalg.eigs( laplacian + 1e-6 * sc.sparse.eye(laplacian.shape[0]), k=1, sigma=0, return_eigenvectors=False, which="LM", v0=v0, ) )[0] if method == "singularvalue": return sc.sparse.linalg.svds( laplacian, k=1, which="SM", return_singular_vectors=False, v0=v0, )[0] return 1.0
[docs]def mode_quality(mode, graph): """Quality of a mode, small means good quality, thus the mode is close to a correct mode. Args: mode (complex): complex mode graph (graph): quantum graph """ laplacian = construct_laplacian(to_complex(mode), graph) return laplacian_quality(laplacian)