Source code for netsalt.utils

"""Some utils functions."""
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

[docs]def linewidth(k, k_center, width): """Linewidth function. Args: k (float): wavenumber k_center (float): wavenumber for center of linewidth width (float): width of linewidth """ return width**2 / ((k - k_center) ** 2 + width**2)
[docs]def lorentzian(k, graph): """Lorentzian function using linewidth. Args: k (float): wavenumber graph (graph): graph with linewidth parameters k_a and gamma_perp """ return linewidth(k, graph.graph["params"]["k_a"], graph.graph["params"]["gamma_perp"])
[docs]def get_scan_grid(graph): """Return arrays of values to scan in complex plane from graph parameters. graph (graph): graph with wavenumber scan parameters """ ks = np.linspace( graph.graph["params"]["k_min"], graph.graph["params"]["k_max"], graph.graph["params"]["k_n"], ) alphas = np.linspace( graph.graph["params"]["alpha_min"], graph.graph["params"]["alpha_max"], graph.graph["params"]["alpha_n"], ) return ks, alphas
[docs]def to_complex(mode): """Convert mode array to complex number.""" if isinstance(mode, complex): return mode return mode[0] - 1.0j * mode[1]
[docs]def from_complex(freq): """Convert mode array to complex number.""" if isinstance(freq, list): return freq if isinstance(freq, np.ndarray): return freq return [np.real(freq), -np.imag(freq)]
[docs]def order_edges_by(graph, order_by_values): """Order edges by using values in a list.""" return [list(graph.edges)[i] for i in np.argsort(order_by_values)]
def _intersect(x, y): """Find intersection point between two segments.""" def cross(a, b): return a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] p = x[0] r = x[1] - x[0] q = y[0] s = y[1] - y[0] u_inter = cross(q - p, r) / cross(r, s) t_inter = cross(q - p, s) / cross(r, s) if 0 < u_inter < 1 and 0 < t_inter < 1: return q + u_inter * s return None def _in_box(x, box): """Check if x is in the box.""" if box[0] < x[0] < box[1] and box[2] < x[1] < box[3]: return True return False
[docs]def remove_pixel(graph, center, size): """Create the pump with missing pixel and add corresponding nodes on the graph.""" box = [ center[0] - 0.5 * size, center[0] + 0.5 * size, center[1] - 0.5 * size, center[1] + 0.5 * size, ] box_edges = np.array( [ [[box[0], box[2]], [box[0], box[3]]], [[box[0], box[3]], [box[1], box[3]]], [[box[1], box[3]], [box[1], box[2]]], [[box[1], box[2]], [box[0], box[2]]], ] ) ps = {} for box_edge in box_edges: for i, edge in enumerate(graph.edges): p = _intersect( box_edge, [graph.nodes[edge[0]]["position"], graph.nodes[edge[1]]["position"]] ) if p is not None: ps[edge] = p for i, edge in enumerate(graph.edges): if _in_box(graph.nodes[edge[0]]["position"], box) and _in_box( graph.nodes[edge[1]]["position"], box ): graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]["pump"] = 0 else: graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]["pump"] = 1 for i, (edge, p) in enumerate(ps.items(), start=len(graph)): graph.add_node(i, position=p) graph.remove_edge(*edge) if _in_box(graph.nodes[edge[0]]["position"], box): graph.add_edge(edge[0], i, pump=0) else: graph.add_edge(edge[0], i, pump=1) if _in_box(graph.nodes[edge[1]]["position"], box): graph.add_edge(i, edge[1], pump=0) else: graph.add_edge(i, edge[1], pump=1) graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph) pump = [graph[e[0]][e[1]]["pump"] for e in graph.edges] return graph, pump