Source code for pygenstability.plotting

"""Plotting functions."""
import logging
import os

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib import patches
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from tqdm import tqdm

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    from plotly.offline import plot as _plot
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

from pygenstability.optimal_scales import identify_optimal_scales

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_scan( all_results, scale_axis=True, figure_name="scan_results.pdf", use_plotly=False, live=True, plotly_filename="scan_results.html", ): """Plot results of pygenstability with matplotlib or plotly. Args: all_results (dict): results of pygenstability scan scale_axis (bool): display scale of scale index on scale axis figure_name (str): name of matplotlib figure use_plotly (bool): use matplotlib or plotly backend live (bool): for plotly backend, open browser with pot plotly_filename (str): filename of .html figure from plotly """ if len(all_results["scales"]) == 1: # pragma: no cover"Cannot plot the results if only one scale point, we display the result instead:") return None if use_plotly: return plot_scan_plotly(all_results, live=live, filename=plotly_filename) return plot_scan_plt(all_results, scale_axis=scale_axis, figure_name=figure_name)
[docs]def plot_scan_plotly( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals all_results, live=False, filename="clusters.html", ): """Plot results of pygenstability with plotly.""" scales = _get_scales(all_results, scale_axis=True) hovertemplate = str("<b>scale</b>: %{x:.2f}, <br>%{text}<extra></extra>") if "NVI" in all_results: nvi_data = all_results["NVI"] nvi_opacity = 1.0 nvi_title = "Variation of information" nvi_ticks = True else: # pragma: no cover nvi_data = np.zeros(len(scales)) nvi_opacity = 0.0 nvi_title = None nvi_ticks = False text = [ f"""Number of communities: {n}, <br> Stability: {np.round(s, 3)}, <br> Normalised Variation Information: {np.round(vi, 3)}, <br> Index: {i}""" for n, s, vi, i in zip( all_results["number_of_communities"], all_results["stability"], nvi_data, np.arange(0, len(scales)), ) ] ncom = go.Scatter( x=scales, y=all_results["number_of_communities"], mode="lines+markers", hovertemplate=hovertemplate, name="Number of communities", xaxis="x2", yaxis="y4", text=text, marker_color="red", ) if "ttprime" in all_results: z = all_results["ttprime"] showscale = True tprime_title = "log10(scale)" else: # pragma: no cover z = np.nan + np.zeros([len(scales), len(scales)]) showscale = False tprime_title = None ttprime = go.Heatmap( z=z, x=scales, y=scales, colorscale="YlOrBr_r", yaxis="y2", xaxis="x2", hoverinfo="skip", colorbar={"title": "VI", "len": 0.2, "yanchor": "middle", "y": 0.5}, showscale=showscale, ) if "stability" in all_results: stab = go.Scatter( x=scales, y=all_results["stability"], mode="lines+markers", hovertemplate=hovertemplate, text=text, name="Stability", marker_color="blue", ) vi = go.Scatter( x=scales, y=nvi_data, mode="lines+markers", hovertemplate=hovertemplate, text=text, name="NVI", yaxis="y3", xaxis="x", marker_color="green", opacity=nvi_opacity, ) layout = go.Layout( yaxis={ "title": "Stability", "titlefont": {"color": "blue"}, "tickfont": {"color": "blue"}, "domain": [0.0, 0.28], }, yaxis2={ "title": tprime_title, "titlefont": {"color": "black"}, "tickfont": {"color": "black"}, "domain": [0.32, 1], "side": "right", "range": [scales[0], scales[-1]], }, yaxis3={ "title": nvi_title, "titlefont": {"color": "green"}, "tickfont": {"color": "green"}, "showticklabels": nvi_ticks, "overlaying": "y", "side": "right", }, yaxis4={ "title": "Number of communities", "titlefont": {"color": "red"}, "tickfont": {"color": "red"}, "overlaying": "y2", }, xaxis={"range": [scales[0], scales[-1]]}, xaxis2={"range": [scales[0], scales[-1]]}, ) fig = go.Figure(data=[stab, ncom, vi, ttprime], layout=layout) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="log10(scale)") if filename is not None: _plot(fig, filename=filename, auto_open=live) return fig, layout
[docs]def plot_single_partition( graph, all_results, scale_id, edge_color="0.5", edge_width=0.5, node_size=100 ): """Plot the community structures for a given scale. Args: graph (networkx.Graph): graph to plot all_results (dict): results of pygenstability scan scale_id (int): index of scale to plot folder (str): folder to save figures edge_color (str): color of edges edge_width (float): width of edges node_size (float): size of nodes ext (str): extension of figures files """ if any("pos" not in graph.nodes[u] for u in graph): pos = nx.spring_layout(graph) for u in graph: graph.nodes[u]["pos"] = pos[u] pos = {u: graph.nodes[u]["pos"] for u in graph} node_color = all_results["community_id"][scale_id] nx.draw_networkx_nodes( graph, pos=pos, node_color=node_color, node_size=node_size, cmap=plt.get_cmap("tab20"), ) nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos=pos, width=edge_width, edge_color=edge_color) plt.axis("off") plt.title( str(r"$log_{10}(scale) =$ ") + str(np.round(np.log10(all_results["scales"][scale_id]), 2)) + ", with " + str(all_results["number_of_communities"][scale_id]) + " communities" )
[docs]def plot_optimal_partitions( graph, all_results, edge_color="0.5", edge_width=0.5, folder="optimal_partitions", ext=".pdf", show=False, ): """Plot the community structures at each optimal scale. Args: graph (networkx.Graph): graph to plot all_results (dict): results of pygenstability scan edge_color (str): color of edges edge_width (float): width of edgs folder (str): folder to save figures ext (str): extension of figures files show (bool): show each plot with or not """ if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder) if "selected_partitions" not in all_results: # pragma: no cover identify_optimal_scales(all_results) selected_scales = all_results["selected_partitions"] n_selected_scales = len(selected_scales) if n_selected_scales == 0: # pragma: no cover return for optimal_scale_id in selected_scales: plot_single_partition( graph, all_results, optimal_scale_id, edge_color=edge_color, edge_width=edge_width ) plt.savefig(f"{folder}/scale_{optimal_scale_id}{ext}", bbox_inches="tight") if show: # pragma: no cover
[docs]def plot_communities( graph, all_results, folder="communities", edge_color="0.5", edge_width=0.5, ext=".pdf" ): """Plot the community structures at each scale in a folder. Args: graph (networkx.Graph): graph to plot all_results (dict): results of pygenstability scan folder (str): folder to save figures edge_color (str): color of edges edge_width (float): width of edgs ext (str): extension of figures files """ if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder) mpl_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() matplotlib.use("Agg") for scale_id in tqdm(range(len(all_results["scales"]))): plt.figure() plot_single_partition( graph, all_results, scale_id, edge_color=edge_color, edge_width=edge_width ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, "scale_" + str(scale_id) + ext), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() matplotlib.use(mpl_backend)
[docs]def plot_communities_matrix(graph, all_results, folder="communities_matrix", ext=".pdf"): """Plot communities at all scales in matrix form. Args: graph (array): as a numpy matrix all_results (dict): clustring results folder (str): folder to save figures ext (str): figure file format """ if not os.path.isdir(folder): os.mkdir(folder) for scale_id in tqdm(range(len(all_results["scales"]))): plt.figure() com_ids = all_results["community_id"][scale_id] ids = [] lines = [0] for i in range(len(set(com_ids))): _ids = list(np.argwhere(com_ids == i).flatten()) lines.append(len(_ids)) ids += _ids plt.imshow(graph[ids][:, ids], origin="lower") lines = np.cumsum(lines) for i in range(len(lines) - 1): print( [lines[i], lines[i]], [lines[i], lines[i + 1]], [lines[i], lines[i]], [lines[i + 1], lines[i]], ) plt.plot((lines[i], lines[i + 1]), (lines[i], lines[i]), c="k") plt.plot((lines[i], lines[i]), (lines[i], lines[i + 1]), c="k") plt.plot((lines[i + 1], lines[i + 1]), (lines[i + 1], lines[i]), c="k") plt.plot((lines[i + 1], lines[i]), (lines[i + 1], lines[i + 1]), c="k") plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, "scale_" + str(scale_id) + ext), bbox_inches="tight")
def _get_scales(all_results, scale_axis=True): """Get the scale vector.""" if not scale_axis: # pragma: no cover return np.arange(len(all_results["scales"])) if all_results["run_params"]["log_scale"]: return np.log10(all_results["scales"]) return all_results["scales"] # pragma: no cover def _plot_number_comm(all_results, ax, scales): """Plot number of communities.""" ax.plot(scales, all_results["number_of_communities"], "-", c="C3", label="size", lw=2.0) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1 * max(all_results["number_of_communities"])) ax.set_ylabel("# clusters", color="C3") ax.tick_params("y", colors="C3") def _plot_ttprime(all_results, ax, scales): """Plot ttprime.""" contourf_ = ax.contourf(scales, scales, all_results["ttprime"], cmap="YlOrBr_r", extend="min") ax.set_ylabel(r"$log_{10}(t^\prime)$") ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax.axis([scales[0], scales[-1], scales[0], scales[-1]]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$log_{10}(t)$") axins = inset_axes( ax, width="3%", height="40%", loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.05, 0.45, 1, 1), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0, ) axins.tick_params(labelsize=7) plt.colorbar(contourf_, cax=axins, label="NVI(t,t')") def _plot_NVI(all_results, ax, scales): """Plot variation information.""" ax.plot(scales, all_results["NVI"], "-", lw=2.0, c="C2", label="VI") ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.tick_params("y", colors="C2") ax.set_ylabel(r"NVI", color="C2") ax.axhline(1, ls="--", lw=1.0, c="C2") ax.axis([scales[0], scales[-1], 0.0, np.max(all_results["NVI"]) * 1.1]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$log_{10}(t)$") def _plot_stability(all_results, ax, scales): """Plot stability.""" ax.plot(scales, all_results["stability"], "-", label=r"Stability", c="C0") ax.tick_params("y", colors="C0") ax.set_ylabel("Stability", color="C0") ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1 * max(all_results["stability"])) ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") def _plot_optimal_scales(all_results, ax, scales, ax1, ax2): """Plot stability.""" ax.plot( scales, all_results["block_detection_curve"], "-", lw=2.0, c="C4", label="Block NVI", ) ax.plot( scales[all_results["selected_partitions"]], all_results["block_detection_curve"][all_results["selected_partitions"]], "o", lw=2.0, c="C4", label="optimal scales", ) ax.tick_params("y", colors="C4") ax.set_ylabel("Block NVI", color="C4") ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax.set_xlabel(r"$log_{10}(t)$") for scale in scales[all_results["selected_partitions"]]: ax.axvline(scale, ls="--", color="C4") ax1.axvline(scale, ls="--", color="C4") ax2.axvline(scale, ls="--", color="C4")
[docs]def plot_scan_plt(all_results, scale_axis=True, figure_name="scan_results.svg"): """Plot results of pygenstability with matplotlib.""" scales = _get_scales(all_results, scale_axis=scale_axis) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[0.5, 1.0, 0.5]) gs.update(hspace=0) axes = [] if "ttprime" in all_results: ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) axes.append(ax0) _plot_ttprime(all_results, ax=ax0, scales=scales) ax1 = ax0.twinx() else: # pragma: no cover ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) axes.append(ax1) ax1.set_xticks([]) _plot_NVI(all_results, ax=ax1, scales=scales) if "ttprime" in all_results: ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) if "stability" in all_results: _plot_stability(all_results, ax=ax2, scales=scales) ax2.set_xticks([]) axes.append(ax2) if "NVI" in all_results: ax3 = ax2.twinx() _plot_number_comm(all_results, ax=ax3, scales=scales) axes.append(ax3) if "block_detection_curve" in all_results: ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[2, 0]) _plot_optimal_scales(all_results, ax=ax4, scales=scales, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2) axes.append(ax4) for ax in axes: ax.set_xlim(scales[0], scales[-1]) if figure_name is not None: plt.savefig(figure_name) return axes
[docs]def plot_clustered_adjacency( adjacency, all_results, scale, labels=None, figsize=(12, 10), cmap="Blues", figure_name="clustered_adjacency.pdf", ): """Plot the clustered adjacency matrix of the graph at a given scale. Args: adjacency (ndarray): adjacency matrix to plot all_results (dict): results of PyGenStability scale (int): scale index for clustering labels (list): node labels, or None figsize (tubple): figure size cmap (str): colormap for matrix elements figure_name (str): filename of the figure with extension """ comms, counts = np.unique(all_results["community_id"][scale], return_counts=True) node_ids = [] for comm in comms: node_ids += list(np.where(all_results["community_id"][scale] == comm)[0]) adjacency = adjacency[np.ix_(node_ids, node_ids)] adjacency[adjacency == 0] = np.nan plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.imshow(adjacency, aspect="auto", cmap=cmap) ax = plt.gca() pos = 0 for comm, count in zip(comms, counts): rect = patches.Rectangle( (pos - 0.5, pos - 0.5), count, count, linewidth=5, facecolor="none", edgecolor="g", ) ax.add_patch(rect) pos += count ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(adjacency))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(adjacency))) if labels is not None: # pragma: no cover labels_plot = [labels[i] for i in node_ids] ax.set_xticklabels(labels_plot) ax.set_yticklabels(labels_plot) plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.axis([-0.5, len(adjacency) - 0.5, -0.5, len(adjacency) - 0.5]) plt.suptitle( "log10(scale) = " + str(np.round(np.log10(all_results["scales"][scale]), 2)) + ", number_of_communities=" + str(all_results["number_of_communities"][scale]) ) plt.savefig(figure_name, bbox_inches="tight")