Source code for simplicial_kuramoto.integrators

"""Numerical integrators."""
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from tqdm import tqdm

from simplicial_kuramoto.measures import compute_order_parameter
from simplicial_kuramoto.simplicial_complex import use_with_xgi

def _update_bar(pbar, state, time):
    if pbar is not None:
        last_t, dt = state
        n = int((time - last_t) / dt)
        state[0] = last_t + dt * n

[docs]def node_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase, simplicial_complex=None, alpha_0=0.0, alpha_1=0.0, sigma=1.0, pbar=None, state=None ): """Node simplicial kuramoto, or classical Kuramoto.""" _update_bar(pbar, state, time) if not isinstance(alpha_1, float) and len(alpha_1) == simplicial_complex.n_edges: alpha_1 = np.append(alpha_1, alpha_1) return -alpha_0 - sigma * np.sin( + alpha_1) )
@use_with_xgi def integrate_node_kuramoto( simplicial_complex, initial_phase, t_max, n_t, alpha_0=0.0, alpha_1=0.0, sigma=1.0, disable_tqdm=False, ): """Integrate the node Kuramoto model.""" with tqdm(total=n_t, disable=disable_tqdm) as pbar: return solve_ivp( partial( node_simplicial_kuramoto, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_0=alpha_0, alpha_1=alpha_1, sigma=sigma, pbar=pbar, state=[0, t_max / n_t], ), [0, t_max], initial_phase, t_eval=np.linspace(0, t_max, n_t), method="BDF", rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8, )
[docs]def edge_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase, simplicial_complex=None, alpha_0=0.0, alpha_1=0.0, alpha_2=0.0, sigma_up=1.0, sigma_down=1.0, variant=None, variant_params=None, pbar=None, state=None, ): """Edge simplicial kuramoto""" _update_bar(pbar, state, time) if variant == "nonlinear": r, r_minus, r_plus = compute_order_parameter(simplicial_complex, np.array([phase]).T) rhs_minus = sigma_down * np.sin( ) coupling_function = variant_params.get("coupling_function", "cross") epsilon = variant_params.get("epsilon", 1) if coupling_function == "cross": rhs = alpha_1 + (1.0 + epsilon * (r_plus - 1)) * rhs_minus if coupling_function == "quadratic": rhs = alpha_1 + (1.0 + epsilon * (r - 1)) * rhs_minus if simplicial_complex.W2 is not None: rhs_plus = sigma_up * np.sin( + alpha_2) ) if coupling_function == "cross": rhs += (1.0 + epsilon * (r_minus - 1)) * rhs_plus if coupling_function == "quadratic": rhs += (1.0 + epsilon(r - 1)) * rhs_plus return -rhs if variant == "non_invariant": rhs = alpha_1 + sigma_down * np.sin( + alpha_0) ) else: if not isinstance(alpha_0, float) and len(alpha_0) == simplicial_complex.n_nodes: alpha_0 = np.append(alpha_0, alpha_0) rhs = alpha_1 + sigma_down * np.sin( + alpha_0) ) if simplicial_complex.W2 is not None: if not isinstance(alpha_2, float) and len(alpha_2) == simplicial_complex.n_faces: alpha_2 = np.append(alpha_2, alpha_2) if variant == "non_invariant": rhs += sigma_up * np.sin( + alpha_2) ) else: rhs += sigma_up * np.sin( + alpha_2) ) return -rhs
@use_with_xgi def integrate_edge_kuramoto( simplicial_complex, initial_phase, t_max, n_t, alpha_0=0.0, alpha_1=0.0, alpha_2=0.0, sigma_down=1.0, sigma_up=1.0, disable_tqdm=False, variant=None, variant_params=None, ): """Integrate the edge Kuramoto model. Several variants are implemented from this function. By default, the model is the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi with orientation invariant frustration. If variant='non_invariant' the orientation invariance is dropped. If variant='nonlinear', the nonlinear, or explosive version is used. This variant has the following parameters: - coupling_function: cross or quadratic - epsilon: parameter for the coupling function Args: simplicial_complex (either xgi or internal): simplicial complex to support the dynamics initial_phase (vector): initial edge phases t_max (float): max time integration n_t (int): number of timesteps alpha_1 (float/vector): natural frequency/ies (len(edges) size) alpha_2 (float/vector): face frustration/s (len(faces) size) sigma_down (float/vector): down term amplitude/s (len(edges) size) sigma_up (float/vector): up term amplitude/s (len(edges) size) disable_tqdm (bool): show progress bar or not variant (str): can be None or 'non_invariant' or 'nonlinear' variant_params (dict): params for the variant (see docstring) """ with tqdm(total=n_t, disable=disable_tqdm) as pbar: rhs = partial( edge_simplicial_kuramoto, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_0=alpha_0, alpha_1=alpha_1, alpha_2=alpha_2, sigma_up=sigma_up, sigma_down=sigma_down, variant=variant, variant_params=variant_params, pbar=pbar, state=[0, t_max / n_t], ) return solve_ivp( rhs, [0, t_max], initial_phase, t_eval=np.linspace(0, t_max, n_t), method="BDF", rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8, )
[docs]def face_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase, simplicial_complex=None, alpha_2=0.0, sigma=1.0, pbar=None, state=None ): """Node simplicial kuramoto, or classical Kuramoto.""" _update_bar(pbar, state, time) return -alpha_2 - sigma * np.sin( )
@use_with_xgi def integrate_face_kuramoto( simplicial_complex, initial_phase, t_max, n_t, alpha_2=0.0, sigma=1.0, disable_tqdm=False, ): """Integrate the node Kuramoto model.""" with tqdm(total=n_t, disable=disable_tqdm) as pbar: return solve_ivp( partial( face_simplicial_kuramoto, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_2=alpha_2, sigma=sigma, pbar=pbar, state=[0, t_max / n_t], ), [0, t_max], initial_phase, t_eval=np.linspace(0, t_max, n_t), method="BDF", rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8, )
[docs]def dirac_kuramoto( time, phase, simplicial_complex=None, alpha_0=None, alpha_1=None, alpha_2=None, sigma_0=1.0, sigma_1=1.0, sigma_2=1.0, z=1.00, smooth_k=5, pbar=None, state=None, ): """Dirac kuramoto which couples orders.""" _update_bar(pbar, state, time) phase_node = phase[: simplicial_complex.n_nodes] phase_edge = phase[ simplicial_complex.n_nodes : simplicial_complex.n_nodes + simplicial_complex.n_edges ] phase_face = phase[simplicial_complex.n_nodes + simplicial_complex.n_edges :] for _ in range(smooth_k): phase_node = phase_edge = sol_node = node_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase_node, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_0=alpha_0, alpha_1=-z * phase_edge, sigma=sigma_0, ) sol_edge = edge_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase_edge, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_0=z * phase_node, alpha_1=alpha_1, alpha_2=z * phase_face, sigma_up=sigma_1, sigma_down=sigma_1, pbar=pbar, state=state, ) sol_face = face_simplicial_kuramoto( time, phase_face, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_2=alpha_2, sigma=sigma_2, ) sol = np.append(sol_node, sol_edge) return np.append(sol, sol_face)
@use_with_xgi def integrate_dirac_kuramoto( simplicial_complex, initial_phase, t_max, n_t, alpha_0=0, alpha_1=0, alpha_2=0, sigma_0=1.0, sigma_1=1.0, sigma_2=1.0, z=1.00, smooth_k=5, disable_tqdm=False, ): """Integrate the dirac Kuramoto model.""" with tqdm(total=n_t, disable=disable_tqdm) as pbar: rhs = partial( dirac_kuramoto, simplicial_complex=simplicial_complex, alpha_0=alpha_0, alpha_1=alpha_1, alpha_2=alpha_2, sigma_0=sigma_0, sigma_1=sigma_1, sigma_2=sigma_2, z=z, smooth_k=smooth_k, pbar=pbar, state=[0, t_max / n_t], ) return solve_ivp( rhs, [0, t_max], initial_phase, t_eval=np.linspace(0, t_max, n_t), method="BDF", rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8, )