Source code for simplicial_kuramoto.measures

"""Various measures on simplicial Kuramoto solutions."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linprog

from simplicial_kuramoto.simplicial_complex import use_with_xgi

def compute_node_order_parameter(Gsc, result):
    """Compute the node Kuramoto order parameter."""
    w1_inv = 1.0 / np.diag(Gsc.W1.toarray())
    return / w1_inv.sum()

def compute_order_parameter(Gsc, result, subset=None):
    """Evaluate the order parameter, or the partial one for subset edges.
        result (array): result of simulation (edge lenght by timepoints)
        Gsc (SimplicialComplex): simplicial complex
        subset (array): bool or int array of edges in the subset to consider

        total order, node order, face order
    w0_inv = 1.0 / np.diag(Gsc.W0.toarray())
    if Gsc.W2 is not None:
        w2_inv = 1.0 / np.diag(Gsc.W2.toarray())

    if subset is not None:
        print("WARNING: check this")
        # if we have at least an adjacent edge in subset
        w0_inv = w0_inv * np.clip(abs(Gsc.B0.T).dot(subset), 0, 1)
        # if we have all 3 edges in subset
        w2_inv = w2_inv * (abs(Gsc.B1).dot(subset) == 3)

    order_node =
    norm_node = w0_inv.sum()

    if Gsc.W2 is not None:
        order_face =
        norm_face = w2_inv.sum()
        order_face = 0
        norm_face = 0

    return (
        (order_node + order_face) / (norm_node + norm_face),
        order_node / norm_node,
        order_face / norm_face if norm_face > 0 else 0,

def compute_face_order_parameter(Gsc, result):
    """Compute the face Kuramoto order parameter."""
    w1_inv = 1.0 / np.diag(Gsc.W1.toarray())
    return / w1_inv.sum()

[docs]def norm(v, Winv): """Weighted norm.""" return np.sqrt(
@use_with_xgi def natural_potentials(sc, alpha_1): """Natural potentials.""" beta_down = np.linalg.pinv(sc.N0.toarray()).dot(alpha_1) beta_up = np.linalg.pinv(sc.N1s.toarray()).dot(alpha_1) return beta_down, beta_up @use_with_xgi def compute_sufficient_bounds(sc, alpha_1, gamma=np.pi / 2.0): """Compute sufficient bounds for stability.""" beta_down, beta_up = natural_potentials(sc, alpha_1) w0inv = np.linalg.inv(sc.W0.toarray()) w2inv = np.linalg.inv(sc.W2.toarray()) bound_down = np.sqrt(np.max(sc.W0.toarray())) * norm(beta_down, w0inv) / np.sin(gamma) bound_up = np.sqrt(np.max(sc.W2.toarray())) * norm(beta_up, w2inv) / np.sin(gamma) return bound_down, bound_up @use_with_xgi def compute_necessary_bounds(sc, alpha_1): """Compute necessary bounds for no phase locking. Sigmas smaller than these values will be guaranteed to not phase lock. """ beta_down, beta_up = natural_potentials(sc, alpha_1) w0inv = np.linalg.inv(sc.W0.toarray()) w2inv = np.linalg.inv(sc.W2.toarray()) sigma_down = norm(beta_down, w0inv) / np.sqrt(np.diag(w0inv).sum()) sigma_up = norm(beta_up, w2inv) / np.sqrt(np.diag(w2inv).sum()) return sigma_down, sigma_up @use_with_xgi def compute_critical_couplings(sc, alpha_1): """Compute critical couplings for phase locking.""" beta_down, beta_up = natural_potentials(sc, alpha_1) def solve(beta): c = np.zeros(len(beta) + 1) c[0] = 1.0 A1 = np.ones(len(beta) + 1) A1 = np.diag(A1) A1[0, 0] = 0 A1[:, 0] = -1 A2 = -np.ones(len(beta) + 1) A2 = np.diag(A2) A2[0, 0] = 0 A2[:, 0] = -1 b = np.concatenate([[0], -beta]) A = np.concatenate([A1, A2]) b = np.concatenate([b, b]) return linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b).fun sigma_down = solve(beta_down) sigma_up = solve(beta_up) return sigma_down, sigma_up